Apr 072010

Salta, Argentina and Border Chile
April 7, 2010
Trip to South America, 2010

The Train to the Clouds goes early morning from Salta, Argentina up and over the border of Chile to a large bridge called La Polvorilla.  

Then a return on the same line, back.

 Posted by at 21:49
Apr 042010

Andes Crossing, Chile and Argentina
April 4, 2010
Trip to South America, 2010

On Easter Sunday, a bus over the Andes from Santiago, Chile to Mendoza, Argentina.  The bus was double decker where we sat above the driver in the front.  Beautiful but at time very frightening.

 Posted by at 01:01
Apr 032010

Sewell Mine, Chile

April 3,  2010
Trip to South America, 2010

Sewell, a Unesco World site is an old abandoned mining town, with an active mine underneath.  First in the day after taking a bus from Santiago and seeing some more earthquake damage on the way was seeing the old town on the mountain.  lunch then suit up to go in the mine way in the mountain to see an amazing huge crystal.


 Posted by at 07:20
Apr 012010

Santiago, Chile

April 1 – 2, 2010
Trip to South America, 2010

Santiago, Chilie was a bit, or a lot smoggy, but was one of the reasons for going to South America.  The Earthquake had happened not long before and there were getting no tourists and asking people to come so we did.  It was strange with the ‘catwalks’ all down on the sides of the freeway/highways and overpasses gone, and the cracks in every wall of the hotel.


 Posted by at 20:59
Mar 312010

Argentina and Chile

March 31, 2010
Trip to South America, 2010

This was a long but exciting day, leaving the hotel in Bariloche, Argentina before dark, hopping on a bus to take us to a boat, that took us across a lake, to check out of Agentina, to get on a bus and go through a jungle, where the luggage truck went off the road during the rain, then check in for Chile, then stop and eat, before busing to the next boat, then busing to Puerto Montt, Chile… The rain was bad almost the whole day, except for at the end of the last lake sadly so it wasn’t as spectacular as it should have been.  But now in a new country.

 Posted by at 12:03