Aug 102013

Atlántida, Uruguay

on August 10, 2013

We went for a walk to the beach the normal guy who is always down at the beach fishing and not catching anything was all of a sudden rushing up the hill. Apparently to call some friends to say the ‘Lisa’ fish was in abundance. We watched as people came running with their poles and kept casting out and pulling Lisa fish every time.  Everyone moved down the beach south as a separated group closer and closer to the city of Atlantida then all went back up the beach north to pick up what they had caught.  Everyone seemed to know what fish laying on the beach were theirs. 

 Posted by at 12:00
May 052013

Canelones, Canelones, Uruguay
on May 5, 2013.

The ciudad of Canelones celebration of its 200th year anniversary had a day of activities including a parade and concert in the park.  After watching the parade we wandered around the park to watch the rugby practice and see the zoo and as we left the concerts were about to begin.  Hearing the warmup it was not exactly the music we would like to hear, but the crowd seemed as if they were going to enjoy it.

Canelones is like most other small towns in uruguay in design… 1 main square with a church, police, store, bank.  Then a secondary square that is not really used.  It is one of the cleaner cities in Uruguay as some of the residents try to make a difference.

 Posted by at 14:22