Aug 102013

Atlántida, Uruguay

on August 10, 2013

We went for a walk to the beach the normal guy who is always down at the beach fishing and not catching anything was all of a sudden rushing up the hill. Apparently to call some friends to say the ‘Lisa’ fish was in abundance. We watched as people came running with their poles and kept casting out and pulling Lisa fish every time.  Everyone moved down the beach south as a separated group closer and closer to the city of Atlantida then all went back up the beach north to pick up what they had caught.  Everyone seemed to know what fish laying on the beach were theirs. 

 Posted by at 12:00
Jan 192012

Buenos Aries, Argentina

on January 19, 2012 from
First Trip to Uruguay 2012

A stop over for the day in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Before Flying over to Uruguay for a one week Trip, then returning to Ashland, Oregon.  This is Summer in South America, but winter in the North.  The day in Buenos Aires was spent touring the opera house which was closed for a remodel the first time in Buenos Aires.  After a big walk, some time in Recoleta neighborhood.  The next day for Uruguay…

 Posted by at 15:50