Aug 102013

Atlántida, Uruguay

on August 10, 2013

We went for a walk to the beach the normal guy who is always down at the beach fishing and not catching anything was all of a sudden rushing up the hill. Apparently to call some friends to say the ‘Lisa’ fish was in abundance. We watched as people came running with their poles and kept casting out and pulling Lisa fish every time.  Everyone moved down the beach south as a separated group closer and closer to the city of Atlantida then all went back up the beach north to pick up what they had caught.  Everyone seemed to know what fish laying on the beach were theirs. 

 Posted by at 12:00
Aug 182011

On 8/18/11, went for a drive down to Northern California and took a road west from just north of Weed, to see what was in the mountains. After first finding a nudist colony, we continued on the side paved road up the hill on the I P Rd. At the top was lot with some cars parked, at a crossing of the pacific crest trail.

We continued over the hill and down the other side of the mountain. Cme across another small lot across from a meadow of wildflowers. We thought we would stop for a minute, then found our how amazing the flowers were and took some pics.

After, continued on the road then back on a steep CA state highway 3 off the I P road, the went up a beautiful valley I didn’t know existed that led to Yreka.

After returning home, looked up more info on the meadow, and saw there were lakes above, so a place two go back to for sure. Tim went back, then saw how amazing it was, so we invited some friends to take the hike later.

 Posted by at 14:25
Aug 062011

Serena came to visit Ashland to see a few shows with her mom and a friend on August 6, 2011.

I had not seen Serena since the 1985 Santa Rosa High School Graduation. We met at the Oregon Shakespeare Festivals’ Green Show, where I was able to stalk her with the camera for a few minutes before the show was over.

Ballet Folklorico Ritmo Alegre was performing on stage.

We then met up, and went to Blue for some Greek food.

It was great to see such a great friend that was lost to me for so many lost years!

 Posted by at 04:21
Aug 272007

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

August 27, 2007

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, performed on 27-aug-2007 with the Eldorado Swingshift jazz band at Kingston Residences of Santa Fe.

 Posted by at 03:10